Liferraft is a safety equipment used to save the lives of passengers and crew in an emergency situation, such as ship accidents or fires. Following are the uses of LIFERAFT:
_ Main use_
1. Save the lives of passengers and crew.
2. Give a safe place to take shelter.
3. Helping passengers and crew to leave the ship that was in an accident.
1. As a safe shelter.
2. As a tool for floating on the surface of the water.
3. As a tool for sending an emergency signal.
4. As a tool to provide food and drinking water.
1. Canvas or other materials that are waterproof.
2. A strong and stable frame.
3. Flapping tools (for example, balloons or other floating materials).
4. Communication tools (for example, radio or emergency signals).
5. Lighting devices (for example, lamps or flashlights).
6. Tools for supplying food and drinking water (for example, dry food or drinking water).
_ Type of Liferraft_
1. Liferraft Inflatables (can be blown).
2. Liferraft rigid (strong and stable frame).
3. Semi-thigid liferraft (strong and stable frame, but can be blown).
1. Must meet international safety standards.
2. Routine examination and maintenance must be carried out.
3. There must be a clear instruction of use.
4. There must be training for the use of liferraft.
1. International Maritime Organization (IMO).
2. American Boat and Yacht Council (ABYC).
3. Indonesian Shipping Agency (BPI).